24 things I’ve learned from two years in business

I’m in year 3 of my business now and it’s been a whirlwind and also a roller coaster! I’m sure you can relate.

I’m an advocate for building strong foundations, even if “success” takes a little longer. I know how important excellent client relationships are, and that doesn’t happen overnight.

All that being said, here are 24 things I’ve learned about running my profitable business….

By moving to Australia, ditching my toxic 9 to 5, starting a new business in a new industry…

  1. Your Inner Critic doesn’t fully go away, every time you level up yours will raise its head again.
  2. It’s all about daily habits, routine and momentum. 1% improvement daily equals 3,600% improvement year on year.
  3. Embody the 80/20 rule. Step away from the need for perfect or you’ll never do anything.
  4. Constantly step into a vision of your future self to stay motivated. If you don’t have a strong vision and “why”, quitting will become a lot easier
  5. Being a business owner can be scary. The only way to create what you want is to surround yourself with the right people, community, mentors and step into your vision a lot.
  6. When you lack clarity, take any action. You’ll find the answer soon enough.
  7. The Universe is always working FOR you, not against you. Constantly ask, what is the lesson I can learn from this? Especially when the going gets tough.
  8. It’s not easy, but it can be simple. And it can flow completely with ease, once you have the right strategy in place and some momentum.
  9. Know when to push forward and when to rest.
  10. Keep it simple. Bigger doesn’t have to be more complex. Complex is scary, overwhelming and difficult. You can go a long way with simple.
  11. Get out of your own way. Drive things forward but surrender to the outcome. You can be courageous and also scared. Be okay living in this paradox.
  12. Let go of shiny object syndrome, unsubscribe, unfollow, stop consuming and start creating.
  13. Continue to ask “what is the result I am creating for my clients?” Then, “how do I build a better strategy to create that result for more people without it involving more of my time?”
  14. Fall in love with the process of running your business. The sales the marketing, the IT, the accounts. Your business is SO much more than just the “passion” part – the reason you started it – if you only love that bit, you’re going to be disliking the majority of your day.
  15. The bigger you get, the more your s*** gets magnified. The good and the bad.
  16. You are the source of energy for EVERYTHING. Whatever is working in your business you are the cause of. Whatever is not, you are creating in some fashion. Take responsibility for everything.
  17. Client results first. Build everything in your business around client results. The better your clients results, the greater the satisfaction, referrals, case studies, lifetime value. If you get into scarcity, always ask “How can I serve more first?”
  18. Integrity is everything. Don’t skip steps. It’s a long game. It’s a small world. Karma will come back to bite you. Be a nice human.
  19. Trust your gut. I love strategy, but if something feels off. It’s probably because it is.
  20. Be on a constant learning journey. Review whats working and not. What could be improved? Then go over on a frequent basis to ensure nothing falls through the cracks.
  21. Zoom in, zoom out. Work in the business and then on it. Then implement. Test, learn, review, revise, repeat.
  22. If you are growing, you will be outside your comfort zone A LOT. It’s okay. The more you learn to be ‘funcomfortable,’ the easier and more fun the journey will become.
  23. Stop checking notifications. It is a complete distraction. Turn off all social media, delete apps, turn off text message alerts. Everything. Be present in what you are doing. One task at a time. Only a few major tasks a day.
  24. Know yourself better than anyone you know. The more self-aware you become – where you’re likely to falter, where you might need help and then eliminate your blindspots, the better you will perform over the long term.

P.S. Whenever you’re ready… here are 4 ways I can help you grow your business:

1. Grab a free copy of my ebook

It’s a quick list of 50 ways to find your next 5 clients sorted into easy/medium/intense plus a template email for you to swipe and send to your own networks, as well as a few questions to help you decide where to focus your efforts for best results – Click here

2. Join the Entrepreneurial Hearts Facebook Group and connect with other women who are ready to make a bigger impact too

It’s our Facebook community where smart women learn to conquer their mindset wobbles and make a bigger impact and more profit. — Click Here

3. Join Be Bold in Business and be a Case Study

I’m putting together a new Be Bold in Business case study group this month… stay tuned for details. If you’d like to work with me to go from procrastination to profit… just send me a message with the words “Be Bold”. — Click Here

4. Work with me privately

If you’d like to work directly with me to take you from going around to circle to having a rinse and repeat strategy that just works… just send me a message and with the word “Private”… tell me a little about your business and what you’d like to work on together, and I’ll get you all the details! — Click Here

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